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Creates a new asset by initializing an account. The asset can be initialized with or without extensions. To create an asset with extension data greater than the transaction size (~1232 bytes), you can use allocate instruction to add the data prior to create or update the asset after creation.


Below is the list of accounts expected by the create instruction.

assetUninitialized asset account
authority(optional)Authority of the asset
ownerOwner of the asset
groupAsset account of the group
group authorityGroup authority for creating an asset into a group
payerAccount paying for the storage fees
system programSystem program

When creating an asset into a group, either the authority must be a signer and be the authority of the group or the group authority must be provided.

The payer and system program are only needed if the account has not being allocated; when the allocate is used to initialize extension data and no other extension is added during creation, these are not needed.


The create instruction expects the information of the asset, including an optional list of extensions.

name0~Name of the asset (up to 35 characters).
standard~1The standard of the asset.
mutable~1Indicates whether the asset is mutable or not.
extensions~~(optional) List of extensions.

It is possible to specify a list of ExtensionInput objects to create an asset with extensions. Alternatively, extensions can be added though the allocate instruction beforehand or usingt he update.

The standard is one of the values of:

  • NonFugible
  • Managed
  • Soulbound
  • Proxied

Proxied is reserved to be used by proxy programs.


import { create, Standard } from '@nifty-oss/asset';

// Accounts:
// - asset: KeypairSigner
// - authority: PublicKey
// - owner: PublicKey
// - payer: KeypairSigner
await create(umi, {
name: 'Soulbound Asset',
standard: Standard.Soulbound,