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Updates an asset. The update instruction can be used to add or update extensions of an asset.

To update an asset with extension data greater than the transaction size (~1232 bytes), you can use allocate instruction to create a buffer (uninitialized asset) account, which can then be passed to the update.


It is not possible to update an immutable asset.


Below is the list of accounts expected by the update instruction.

assetAsset account
authorityAuthority of the asset
bufferExtension buffer (uninitialized asset) account
groupAsset account of the group
payerAccount paying for the storage fees
system programSystem program

When a buffer account is used to pass the extension data and there are mutiple extensions on the buffer account, only the first extension is used.

The payer and system program are only needed if adding a new externsion.


The create instruction expects the information of the asset, including an optional list of extensions.

name0~(optional) Updated name of the asset (up to 35 characters).
mutable~1(optional) Indicates whether the asset is mutable or not.
extension~~(optional) Extension to add or update.

All three fields of the update are optional, meaning that they are only updated if a new value is set. In the case of an extension, when the extension is already present on the asset, its data is updated; otherwise, the extension is added to the asset.


import { attributes, update } from '@nifty-oss/asset';

// Accounts:
// - asset: PublicKey
// - authority: KeypairSigner
// - payer: KeypairSigner
await update(umi, {
extension: attributes([{ name: 'Clothes', value: 'Purple Shirt' }]),